I can't believe this.
ANY Republican will do for the folks of South Carolina?? After his shenanigans . . . you people want Mark Sanford!? WHY ARE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY SO DAMNED STUPID!? My overt quandary is rhetorical I'm sure but it bears repeating:
Press has been hollowed out to chase ratings only. So there is no longer a public 'barrier' to 'bat shittery' . . .
In addition, we have the first black president and the old-white guard goes ape shit about what it means:
The country is irrevocably getting browner and browner, and it is such that they bring with that 'growth' economic and political power, and these tea-bagging sons of bitches can't stand it. They're so scared and mad they can't see straight.
So, with the tacit approval of the Press, they start to accept the most outlandish, immoral and downright crazy folks to represent them.
Enter exhibit umpteen: the Mark Sanford victory.
I'm really angry . . .
I'm waiting and hoping for SOMEONE who still has national name recognition to go on CNN and the other news stations and declare, exorcising the ghost of McCarthy that has infected all government nowadays, creating malfunctions in the supposedly publicly-altruistic 'machinery', and possibly irrevocably causing a caustic 'rust' that may forever damage the 'gears' if not dealt with now:
"All of you media organizations: Have you NO integrity left?? Have you no sense of decency?
No more being polite when a member of the tea party or a Republican who is kissing that ass comes on a show or anywhere!
Can't you folks see it?
The Flat Earth Society is about to prevail when they shouldn't have . . . 'Da Vinci' in this age is about to LOSE the argument for Reality to these folks!
They are CRAZY.
For the love of God and Country will SOMEBODY of note CALL THEM THAT!?
What is the matter with the lot of you so-called journalists? David Gregory BE IMPOLITE! You folks on WPIX, ABC, CBS, ETC, BE IMPOLITE WITH THESE FOLKS! Do your JOBS, for Christ's sake!
Their 'straight jackets' have somehow gotten 'cloaked' . . .
By the power invested in your feckless, money-grubbing, shallow-as-fuck corporations by our sacred Constitution . . . REVEAL THEIR 'ROBES'! For crying out loud EARN THE MANTLE OF THE 4TH ESTATE FOR ONCE IN A FEW DECADES!!
Send Bachman and Palin, etc BACK to the survivalist, arch-conservative, pseudo-incestuous, Skin-head-fucking-the-KKK 2.0-whore of a bunker in the mountains of our societal intellectual and political 'landscape' from 'whence they came'!
This poor, poor country . . .
These little Furhers, Napoleons, Mussolini's, Pinochet's et al . . . are running about the place NAKED . . . shitting and 'nutting' ALL over the place, to the point where there is no place you can 'put your hand' or 'sit' without getting the goo all over you . . .
The House and the Senate has too many Right Wing Gremlins in suits and power suits, that are busy splashing 'water' all over themselves with impunity . . . and it's after Midnight!
And we're too 'buzzed' with reality tv, or too scared, or just too dumb and ignorant to simply say or do anything! The country is paralyzed now.
'Shoot' that fucking pit bull wearing the lipstick . . . and turn all the rest of the Pigs with the Wigs, Hair Pieces, Make-up and yes Lipstick . . . into cured pork and bacon.
Where is the decency in the modern media business model!?"
Some wish I've got there right?
I guess this is Democracy right? You get as much as you 'put in' . . . Right?
It appears the 1% have been 'priming' that pump for some time but have found different mules to carry water this time . . . while we've slept our rights and lives away with social and mental trinkets and all manner of catnip for the masses, obfuscating, fogging up things so we don't see the heist that is going on.
So we put the miscreant(s) back in office . . .
So we continue to legitimize the masochistic, insane self-mutilation that is at the heart of this country's decline and hollow, faux-recovery. This is absolutely frightening . . . we Americans need to be saved from ourselves . . .! We elect a decent President but go the fuck to sleep and let in, not only our voted-on agenda's 'anti-matter' . . . but this Doomsday of a Political Force that is hell-bent on erasing all the 'decencies' of the twentieth century, impervious to all Fact like some of the darkest and breathtaking movements we've seen in human history, and totally and completely disconnected from reality in all sense of the concept!
We seem unable to save ourselves!
So who will do it? Who?
Doesn't ANYONE think this country is worth saving??
I do.
We have so much potential that would be criminal to let be trampled on like pearls before swine. So, until then, I'll keep looking . . . waiting for the next Kronkite . . . or the next Murrow.
We need you . . . like Yesterday.
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