I've got to vent . . .
You in the DNC kinda deserved what you got Tuesday.
No seriously:
You folks really piss me off!
I've been a staunch defender of the party and our president for years through some of our biggest battles from the ACA to Bin Laden to the Consumer protection agency . . . and I feel like all my energy I put into fighting for you and defending you has been a waste!!
You guys are guilty . . .
Guilty of Political Malfeasance
And that's pretty grave crime considering what is at stake or what is now vulnerable . . .!
(From here on out for the rest of this rant:
"They" = GOP)
The Democratic loss on Tuesday is the definition of political malfeasance.
Let's list a few out of a smorgasbord of tacts and facts that Democrats could have used to actually achieve victory:
THEY shut down the government costing the regular guy billions in pay and benefits
The ACA is working to the point they've BACKED AWAY from it.
THEY'RE infested with racists and blatantly court them as part of their base
THEY CRASHED the world economy
THEY started TWO wars on a credit card
THEY LIED about Iraq's WMD AND CONNECTION TO 911 resulting in more than 4000 servicemen losing their lives in a country that is now being overrun by ISIS!
THEY have consistently for DECADES shown that they don't care about the non-wealthy
THEY'RE against the minimum wage increase and actually want to do away with it.
THEY want to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies
THEY disenfranchise millions of voters of color.
THEIR disrespect and intransigence is seething with racism toward the POTUS and people of color nationwide.
THEY'VE blocked every piece of legislation that would have created any sort of infrastructure work over the past six years . . . and each day these structures languish in disrepair and decay it puts millions of our lives in danger while using them.
THEY'RE funded by the most treasonous, racist people and lineages in this country's history.
THEY want to tell you who you can and cannot love
THEY blocked and killed immigration reform!
THEY have gutted public schools and stolen the funds to give to for-profit charter schools for decades now leaving these institutions a shell of their former selves literally in terms of buildings and in terms of efficacy.
THEY did NOT get Bin Laden despite almost a decade of supposedly trying and THEN publicly admitting they aren't focused on him anymore . . . which meant that 3000 NY's that died on 9/11 took a back burner to all sorts of other crap . . . AND THEY have the BALLS to actually 'campaign on' 9/11 for the Presidency in 2008??
THEY . . . THEY . . . THEY . . . Etc . . .!
Let me be clear:
The above, far from exhaustive list is COMMON to and/or can be blamed on the GOP AT EVERY LEVEL - School Board to Presidential candidate.
They have been pushing this national agenda with their sycophantic records and actions for decades now at every level and at every instance they've gotten power.
Their 'bad' is a national exhibit
So you need a national approach when fighting them at all levels.
It's so damned obvious.
So DNC . . .
. . . Ahhm WHERE was this 'national branding' in all the local and state elections in the lead up to Tuesday??
So much low-hanging political fruit applicable to ALL state and district races that you folks basically ABANDONED!!
Republicans have been running a 'national branding campaign' and applied it to local and state elections in 2010 and now 2014 . . . and democrats can't seem to do anything similar.
And all you chicken crap assholes that went to embrace Hillary instead of your president, running FROM the ONLY accomplishments you have . . . how's the packing going!???
Hillary is not viable in 2016.
Yes I said it.
And your cowardice and yes racism has made sure she won't be too.
The way you pave the way for any progressive presidential candidate is to fight like hell for the progressive accomplishments that were actually achieved.
You don't run from them!
Hillary will be trumped again like she was in 2008 for a candidate that will vigorously OWN all the democratic accomplishments of the most recent administration and run with it.
Only if such a candidate fails to show themselves will she get the 'grudging nod' because as a liberal I'll never let a conservative win if I have anything to do with it.
But she'll never have the fire and devotion from the base and even from the center AND some folks on the right that Barrack Obama had.
So keep running from him Alison Grimes and others . . . you paid on Tuesday for it and if the party doesn't wise up you'll KEEP paying.
And we'll have that bastard from NJ as POTUS in 2016.
Mark my words Democrats.
And for crying out loud:
Trying to be above the fray is no longer respected by the electorate anymore!
The GOP have been branding your party carte blanche as an inept, pacifist entity for decades . . .
It's 'ok' the call them COLLECTIVELY everything from hood wearing racists . . . to courting the same . . . to accusing them of wanting folks to die in lieu of health care!
Alan Grayson had it right.
Stop being so damned 'respectful'!
In the age of reality TV this prim and proper, cotillion bullshit is NOT respected by the public anymore.
You look like a loser and you look weak.
Can't you see that?
Get with it damn it!
You screwed America Democrats with your malfeasance, racism and cowardice . . . thank you.
Sick of your limp-wristed antics!
Go for the damned political jugular already.
And don't go blaming POTUS like some of you have:
He HAS to sound conciliatory. He is the ceremonial head of the country and its his duty to be all cumbayah with his rhetoric.
YOU are supposed to be the political operatives and elected officials! You have no such strictures placed on you! Is Barrack Obama your rhetorical 'mule' that you need to ride to electoral or political victory??
Must he do ALL your speaking for you??
Must he 'carry all your weight'?
The more things change eh?
Funny you were more independent and took more initiative when Bubba was in . . . you didn't need to be told to verbally and fiercely smack down any sort of slight against Bill by the GOP or the fickle media.
Why have you been holding your hands behind your back with this POTUS?
I said it before you folks have a race issue within too it seems:
This black man has to 'do it all without any help' when none before ever had to try so hard.
Yes I went there because I can't see ANY other viable reason for the 'hand off' attitude you folks have had towards the man!
Damn you democrats . . . I support you . . . but your double standard with respect to this president is really trying my patience!
And I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Do your jobs damn you!
I'm getting really tired of your decades-old Political Malfeasance.
When is enough enough!??
(C) BantuProgressiveRant 11/6/14
Thanks Dom! Good rant. It's malpractice as well. PTxS