
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Scorpion . . . and The Frog

Justice Scalia today said:

“The Voting Rights Act is Perpetuation of Racial Entitlement”


Although we’re shocked . . . we shouldn't be surprised: Their party openly coddles racists and have taken racial politicking to new highs or lows, depending on which end you are.

The thing is Registered Democrats and Liberals OUTNUMBER the racists and xenophobes on the Right . . . but still we have Republicans ‘winning’ and then installing justices like this miscreant on the bench. 

Republicans have been winning despite our superior numbers and have been destroying the lives of constituents at the state level too . . .

Now I could wax all nice and intellectual-sounding about this, with a ‘tempered, controlled rage’ at how yet again “These damned Conservatives . . .!” are ‘up to their old tricks!’


I've got to light-into my fellow Liberals for a second because . . . 

We’re full of SHIT!

Seriously we need a kick in the ASS!!!

Listen we need to put the myriad of liberal fulminations 'on a leash' for the good of the country at large :

Fuck the Public Option

Fuck the Drone shit

Fuck chafing at Rahm Emanuel for calling you ‘retarded’

Fuck chafing at Barrack Obama 'not using clear strong language in defense of a certain trio of sacred cows'.

And FUCK wanting all this ‘pious’, pure, ‘transparent to all (including our adversaries)’ angle of attack when it comes to the political battling we MUST do!


The Conservatives have dealt yet another blow TODAY against the very essence of what this country is about: The voting rights act may be seriously weakened.

For fucks sakes if we don't protect the gains we've got over the 20th century we won't have a viable country to even fight about!!

FUCK the ‘Right to Politically Abstain’!!!

Fuck staying home because you're mad at the President or your Congressman/Senator!!

As Liberals WE CANNOT AFFORD THAT SHIT ANYMORE for the long term foreseeable future!

Who the fuck does that!? Are we that stupid?

We are the only ideological group in the world that STAY HOME to supposedly 'show our displeasure'.

That's bullshit and that needs to stop like yesterday.

We keep staying home in midterms and then bitch and complain when the fucking Elephants act like the ‘societal scorpions’ they are and ‘sting’ the shit out of the country!?

But we can't see that: We have folks that did NOT vote last couple of elections due to NDAA or the drone issue or the public option or Obama's ‘less-than strident liberal rhetoric’ . . .

We have folks trying to take out a sitting Senator or Congressman over ONE issue . . . weakening them enough for the GOP to take the seat.

We need to UNIFY for the Big Picture and NEVER let our ‘subsidiary actions’ imperil that, but if it might or does quash it!

"We have our principles!"

Fuck your principles.

What will you eat, oh esteemed Vegetarian, when you’ve been shipwrecked, the greenery is questionable or scarce and all that’s there is steamed fish or wild boar?

Will you starve yourself to death!?


Wake UP!!

We want to act like we're this giant net that is actually keeping the country afloat by our principled stances and our own brand of activism(no matter how unappealing and benign our methodology is when it comes to moving the public), we fall in love with the ‘struggle’ and almost forget about the long term more viable picture.

We think we’re kicking shit big time when what we really have is this 'proud' strainer that has no clue what it really is and think that the few shells and little pebbles that are still in our 'maw' are the important stuff . . .

Wrong: Idea of this country is all that 'sand' that has almost totally drained out onto the floor!

Wake UP!!!

Ok I've gotten the nascent angst out of my system. It is time for some hard truths.

First up: I’m SICK and TIRED of the Liberal mouthpieces, opining with rapid, pragmatism-challenged, cubby-holed vapidity about Obama not living up to his ‘liberal fanfare’. The man NEVER was a, quote, ‘Liberal’, a la a Dennis Kucinich. He has always sold himself as a centrist, a pragmatist who wants to take the ‘best ideas of both parties and strike a happy medium. You will NOT get a Bernie Sanders for a Presidential candidate that has an actual chance at winning that prize.

You are going to get only more Barack Obama's, more President Clintons - Centrists willing to compromise and assuage the anxieties of the Reagan Democrats that have actually decided presidential elections for decades now.

They ‘pacify’ them sufficiently so they may actually help them ‘DESPITE themselves’!

Accept it!

And you want to mention Hillary?

Dream on!

She'll 'moderate herself big time' if she decides to run and actually wants to win.

You will be stuck, for the most part with a mix of bad (corporate-friendly) and good (lukewarm defender of labor).

Get used to it.

Why should you ‘settle’? Because our Democratic forebears capitulated to the corporatocracy so that they’d stop being outspent in campaigns.

That allowed Reagan and the Republicans in the 80’s to do a damned good job, virtually unopposed, thus tacitly blessed by Democrats, of hegemonizing this precious fount of voters in the middle of the country.

This ‘programming’ has worked so well, many have made voting Republican an inextricable part of their culture(s)!

Like I said, blame our democratic forebears who decided to go corporate instead of sticking with labor and others 'who brung 'em'.

Chuck Schumer, Rendell, Cory Booker, Christopher Dodd are functioning like, or are corporate Democrats.

Search your feelings 'Paduans'

Why have Democrats, time and time again, on some emotionally-vituperative issue, always seem to ride at a full gallop 'hollering and whooping' it up, bringing us along with them to the trough, but when the time comes to make it ‘real’ . . . that ‘horse never drinks deeply' enough?

We've neutered our party by the choices of our forebears AND by our disgusting, short-sighted, and myopic political practices. We have a very heavy lift.

Democratic disunity and political abstinence (stay home protests) allow conservative evil all across this country.

Search your feelings 'Paduans' . . . and consider the following facts and questions:

We outnumber them on the voter rolls but yet they dominate most of the governorships and state legislatures all across this country even in NY!

Why are they winning?

Why are they able to do such damage to the country?

We're the Opposition and we're supposed to stop them: Why haven't or can't we?

Why are we always 'reacting' to their bullshit? Why aren't they 'reacting' to us?

We have all the ideas that most of the public agrees with . . . WHY ARE WE ALWAYS ON DEFENSE!?

That is what I'm saying!

Republicans used to say for DECADES:

“Young People, minorities, young women, naturalized immigrants, poor people . . . or ANY ONE of our so-called Base Groups can't be counted on the show up.” 

“They can't be relied on.”

“They're skittish and easily 'frustrated'/distracted from exorcising their political rights with efficacy, useful timing and in sufficient numbers to overwhelm any 'systemic attrition' they may encounter.”

And guess what?

They've been RIGHT!

We moved that needle the closest in decades to a 50% eligible voter participation (which is still an appalling statistic when compared to other developed nations) in 2008 and 2012 . . . but I fear it won't last in 2016 or even 2014.

It may not happen for a combination of the reasons Republicans have correctly deduced about our maddeningly-persistent, uniquely-liberal quality of a political Cat Herd, but it may falter due to the fact that we may not have a charismatic candidate like Barack Obama as our standard bearer to whip our emotions into frothy batter, and stir us to grassroots action.

We'll STILL have to organize like we did in 2008 and 2012 . . . but not because of passion . . . or emotional 'high'.

It will be, must be, because of necessity, worry about ‘things we hold dear’, an intellectual dovetailing around a common philosophical dream for the country, and a working, easily regurgitated list of specific measures and laws we need to protect, or strengthen.

It’s not 'Sexy' . . . and neither will any of the potential candidates at this juncture be.

It doesn't lend itself to the easily-lobbed sound bite.

We need to embrace some good, old-fashioned civic duty, and participate at unheard-of historical levels . . . if we want to undo the damage the conservative has done to the country's economy, our collective intellectual/educational exportable product, and the philosophy/psychology of how we understand ‘What our Obligations are To Each Other’ - 'Socialism' should be elevated and exorcised as a word/concept to be feared, into to One that is desired and strived towards, where and when it matters - Social Safety Net, Economic Inequality, the Reclamation of the Commons, the punishment of the magnates(Robber Barons’ 2.0) who flout ethical standards and our laws.

But that takes a sustained, smart and eager movement to reverse the effects.

Do we have that within us Liberals? 

Can we GET PAST the ‘minutia’ of ‘strict rhetorical content’, take off the blinders when it comes to real ideas for national insurance programs solvency, quit being whiny, ADHD, ‘Johhny-Come-Too-Lately’s when it comes to politics and policies . . . and focus on saving the country for the long haul?

Can you do it?

I hope you can . . . because I have. 

This is bigger than me, and we need to stay the course consistently for the next Eight to Ten Presidential elections if we’re to enact the substantive change we say we want.

Listen: I’m hard on my fellow liberals because I sincerely believe we are the best suited in ideas and intellectual curiosity to usher-in this country’s best days ever . . . but we aren’t being smart about it, we’re being played and lead around by Republicans if you think about it.

Our dysfunction, myopia, piety, naïveté, and disunity allow the POISON of the GOP to thrive!

We NEED to address this in a pragmatic, politically offensive, practical way!!

Unfortunately the emotional need for ‘clear-throated bellowing’ of our values does NOT lend itself to political fortune, which you NEED to make change.

We allowed the public to get too hegemonized so now we have to slowly 'reprogram' it.

Sorry for the unfortunate, robotic choice of words but hegemony IS 'programming'.

We have a proud legacy of impressive world-renowned laws we’ve passed and we’ve shepherded this country into the modern era . . .

We have a heavy lift to turn those past successes into that of the 21st century.

So if you're as upset over the Scalia comments, like I was, start paying attention and VOTE ALWAYS . . . among other things.

They can’t seem to help themselves with ‘What They Do’ . . . even if they go down with the calamity they cause . . . and we’re the Frog that has been carrying Them and the country over the River, ‘undersung’ for decades . . . but we keep getting ‘stung’.

I think it’s time we stop being envenomed and our unity ‘dissolved’, our superior vision ‘blurred’ by these folks . . .

We’re supposed to be better than that.

(C) BantuProgressiveRant 2/27/13

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