
Friday, March 29, 2013

"Shhhh! Let Them Continue to Eat Glass . . .!"

Well Ashley Judd is NOT going to run . . . too liberal for the State, etc, etc, etc . . .

. . . and McConnell WILL retain his seat. You just watch . . .!

Seriously WHEN does someone start to educate these backwards folks in these Red States like Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia, etc, that it’s REPUBLICAN POLICIES WHICH HAVE CAUSED ALL THEIR FACTORIES TO SHUT DOWN, THEIR TOWNS TO TURN TO GHOST TOWNS . . . that the party's economic platform has meant seriously scant 'boon' the underclasses? The poorest states in our union ARE Red States, mostly! They persist being poor as a DIRECT result of the people in those state’s political choices. When does a Democrat run there with FACTS SHOWING the people there THE TRUTH . . . instead of running a 'Republican-Lite' or someone that 'passes undetected'? THAT is the problem. THAT is why the Democratic party ALWAYS disappoints when it’s time to close the deal: They're all strident and 'gung ho' for This position or That . . . but 'at closing' they neuter or water-down the final product out of 'consideration' for 'nervous Democrats in Red States'.

These folks in these Red States NEED to be woken UP.WE ARE KEEPING FOLKS WHO MOST NEED TO RECOGNIZE THE SELF-HARM DONE BY THEIR IDEOLOGICAL CHOICES IGNORANT! THAT IS AN EXCEEDINGLY CRUEL POLITICAL CALCULATION! WHERE is the COURAGE in the Democratic party to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the perceptions of and unravel the TRUTH about what policies work and WHO they affect?


Ashley has it . . . but it appears the Democratic Establishment doesn't value it much . . .

I’m starting to think there’s a reason Republicans continue to have an edge over us in the collective, lay, perception of the parties in terms of who is more ‘macho’ or is more convicted in their views and tactics. They continue to enjoy a little undeserved political respect out there because WE lack such conviction when it comes to what we eventually put out there . . .! We need to be ‘campaigning’ 24/7 in these Red States . . . even in Texas and Louisiana too . . . USE local examples to SHOW folks just how WRONG the GOP are for them.

I suspect, however, that we’re not going to see any such profiles in courage. The Democrats will resign to ‘leaving the folks they want to represent stewing in their own intellectual filth’, like leaving a baby in a shitty diaper too long in other words. It is like seeing someone constantly eating glass and cutting the crap out of their lips and mouth, bleeding like hell . . . but you balk at saying anything because they are the best customer at your store. Furthermore, you won't say anything publicly against the 'abusive parent’ (GOP) that TOLD them it's good to 'eat glass' . . . for the same concerns of offending them.  All this permitted masochism for the Red Staters, just so they can say they have ‘seat’ or a ‘D’ in that district or have ‘D’ as number 56 in the Senate. What about the ‘quality’ of that ‘D’? If that Democrat is forced to act, for all intents and purposes, like a Republican to keep the seat . . . what is the use?

The frustrating thing is that Democrats are essentially 'playing on the political landscape' in terms of sensibilities, and political tactics that RONALD REAGAN 'wrought'! WHY haven't the Democrats tried to 'blow that up' THE moment he left office?  Instead we had Dukakis making a fool of himself trying to be something he wasn't. Bill Clinton, and to a lesser degree Obama, moderating themselves along with other things to keep these essentially misled and fooled voters, these 'Reagan Democrats' 'pacified' in their 'wallow' and abandoning the true Progressive spirit that aims to earnestly teach and convince folks why you are better than the other side.

Now the Democratic approach to Red States is 'Don't rock the boat too much, blend in'.

It's disgusting!

That need to preserve those seats won with this 'stoop to say you're a D but not BE a 'D!' . . . has resulted in some very weak, porous legislation coming from the Democrats when they're in an unassailable position in terms of numbers and public agreement/popularity.

It's just frustrating

Democrats may have won the battle for the election but are poised to lose the war for the Public accepting, across the board that democratic policies benefit them. The Press, with the exception of MSNBC, is kowtowing to where they perceive the ratings and money to be:

Conservative-minded multinational corporations(money) and the Tea Party/GOP(ratings).

As a result . . .true journalists 'don't do so well with ratings' and sponsors are loathe to advertise on their shows . . .

Exhibit A. Soledad O'Brien is now gone from CNN.

Exhibit B. They Renewed David Gregory for MTP.

Democrats need to change their tactics if they don't want to get buried in the media that the public is still subliminally addicted to. I propose they 'eject' the corporate democrats as the leaders of the establishment and return/switch to your grassroots as the main driving force now! Follow the example of OFA and Howard Dean.  Start being proud of who you are no matter where in the country you find yourself!  Don't be GOP-lite to win office or we'll get beaten bad in 2014.

Right now, although Democrats enjoy public opinion solidarity on ALL of their policy prescription, STILL haven’t learned, or lack the courage of their convictions, to ‘cash-in’ on that nascent, convergence of public sensibilities and their voiced goals. I thought you prided yourself on being ‘better’ than the GOP, DNC . . . but you’re worse. You hear the crunch of Glass in Mouths, you see the blood constantly dribbling from the millions of tortured orifices . . . but you pretend that that belief system it’s Cake.

“Shhh! Let them continue Eating the Glass . . . we need to ‘get in’”


McConnell will keep his seat . . . because if folks want the real Troglodyte they’ll VOTE for the real one . . . instead of a Democrat ‘pretending’ to be one! After all, they are so accustomed to the self-inflicted lacerations and the taste of their own blood . . . what’s another few years of the same . . . right Democrats?

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