
Friday, November 21, 2014


So here's the postmortem feedback I'm getting from my real-world, and not just FB, interactions with voting blacks:

"DNC you done f@&$ up!"


The main reason for the GOP opposition to the President has been racism pure and simple.

Nothing else stands up to scrutiny.

There is absolutely NOTHING really different about this President on policy or rhetoric than any establishment Democrat and/or their administration, past or present.


Nothing except his ethnicity.

By 'accepting' that Obama is 'unpopular' in your purple and red districts, which made you run from him in your respective campaigns . . .

. . . You 'joined' the GOP in discriminating against this Black Man, your POTUS because of his race!

You basically smeared this president . . . this black man's legacy with a racist disdain for all the accomplishments he's made the entire 6 years he's been in office.

And in doing so you've made your 'great white hope' Hillary vulnerable as well.

She's ripe for another upturning of her 'inevitability' just like in 2008.

Just like you . . . Hillary too has distanced herself from the president . . . further offending millions of us in this country that have been stalwart supporters of yours for decades now.

The message:

You value the white, racist vote or support the most . . . indirectly.

I say indirectly because your rhetoric isn't overtly racial like the GOP but . . . your avoidance of him on sure fire public opinion winners in terms of policy . . . is also indefensible.

The result is that only the white, racist vote 'mattered' to you in the end.

And you ran with that.

And you got your clock cleaned.

And you pissed off one of your most ardent pillars of support with your cowardice.

I voiced that frustration and anger at you with my most recent piece about your political malfeasance

And I am being proven correct it seems.

You want to hear another thing about Hillary that makes her so vulnerable as well?

Barrack Obama's support also includes MANY whites, young people and other ethnicities of color.

A big issue you ran away from was immigration . . . which ALSO disappointed the now largest group of non-whites - Hispanics.

Also MANY hardcore liberal whites LOATHE her as well . . . and are just waiting for someone else to step in to deny her the 'prize' again. Many are actually vowing to vote against her irrespective of if another candidate comes up or not . . . which could be fatal to any presidential run on the left losing that significant sliver of support, due to the fact that the GOP are now victorious may be able to ride this popularity into 2016. 


The Press will help them do so to preserve the ratings bonanza of an election year narrative of a close presidential race.

I've seen it happen over and over again. With all the money the GOP have to spend the Press will be eating out of their palms in 2016.

Also a little bit of history is surfacing to bite the Hillary Clan on their asses as well:

A wide multi-ethnic swath on the left hasn’t truly forgiven Hillary for her racist tactics against President Obama in 2008 and her prolonged pointless campaign against him as well.

And please spare me the PC line about it 'made his campaign better':

Hillary did that out of spite for his usurping what she thought was 'her entitlement' or 'her turn' . . . and it isn't lost on any astute politico out there.

I can guarantee that if Barrack Obama had lost to McCain in 2008 the Clintons would have wasted no time turning the Obama's 'Name' into 'mud' and a liability. The Clintons would have also punished politically all who supported the Obamas in their 'losing campaign'.

"You should have went with Us! You see now!?"

So yeah DNC we haven't forgot about that. And Hillary we see through you as well.

The Democratic Party has done some damage to a major pillar of their base by their cowardice and racism this fall.

We won't soon forget it.

Take this as an FYI to all ye ‘Good Old Boys’ in the DNC:

What you did on Election Day and the lead-up to the same has spelled the end of your party taking People of Color for granted.

You need to choose.

And choose with solid conviction . . . or we'll see the obliteration of the entire racist two party system within the next few years.

Surprised by my threat? It's not a threat it's a promise.

Didn't you get the memo? We'll be the numerical majority in this place in less than 40 years.

With the constituency you chose to back this fall dying out . . . blacks and others of color, along with forward thinking whites and young people will form a rainbow coalition, which will be America's New Majority.

Get wise and get in with us now . . . or get rolled over to extinction.

We are angry and sick of your empty racial platitudes where we're concerned.

Consider yourself warned Democratic Party . . . or you'll follow the GOP to sleep with the WHIG Party.

(C) BantuProgressiveRant 11/17/14

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Political Malfeasance

I've got to vent . . . 

You in the DNC kinda deserved what you got Tuesday.

No seriously:

You folks really piss me off!

I've been a staunch defender of the party and our president for years through some of our biggest battles from the ACA to Bin Laden to the Consumer protection agency . . . and I feel like all my energy I put into fighting for you and defending you has been a waste!!

You guys are guilty . . .

Guilty of Political Malfeasance

And that's pretty grave crime considering what is at stake or what is now vulnerable . . .!

(From here on out for the rest of this rant: 

"They" = GOP)

The Democratic loss on Tuesday is the definition of political malfeasance.

Let's list a few out of a smorgasbord of tacts and facts that Democrats could have used to actually achieve victory:

THEY shut down the government costing the regular guy billions in pay and benefits

The ACA is working to the point they've BACKED AWAY from it.

THEY'RE infested with racists and blatantly court them as part of their base

THEY CRASHED the world economy

THEY started TWO wars on a credit card

THEY LIED about Iraq's WMD AND CONNECTION TO 911 resulting in more than 4000 servicemen losing their lives in a country that is now being overrun by ISIS!

THEY have consistently for DECADES shown that they don't care about the non-wealthy

THEY'RE against the minimum wage increase and actually want to do away with it.

THEY want to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies

THEY disenfranchise millions of voters of color.

THEIR disrespect and intransigence is seething with racism toward the POTUS and people of color nationwide.

THEY'VE blocked every piece of legislation that would have created any sort of infrastructure work over the past six years . . . and each day these structures languish in disrepair and decay it puts millions of our lives in danger while using them.

THEY'RE funded by the most treasonous, racist people and lineages in this country's history.

THEY want to tell you who you can and cannot love

THEY blocked and killed immigration reform!

THEY have gutted public schools and stolen the funds to give to for-profit charter schools for decades now leaving these institutions a shell of their former selves literally in terms of buildings and in terms of efficacy.

THEY did NOT get Bin Laden despite almost a decade of supposedly trying and THEN publicly admitting they aren't focused on him anymore . . . which meant that 3000 NY's that died on 9/11 took a back burner to all sorts of other crap . . . AND THEY have the BALLS to actually 'campaign on' 9/11 for the Presidency in 2008??

THEY . . . THEY . . . THEY . . . Etc . . .!

Let me be clear:

The above, far from exhaustive list is COMMON to and/or can be blamed on the GOP AT EVERY LEVEL - School Board to Presidential candidate.

They have been pushing this national agenda with their sycophantic records and actions for decades now at every level and at every instance they've gotten power.

Their 'bad' is a national exhibit

So you need a national approach when fighting them at all levels.

It's so damned obvious.

So DNC . . .

. . . Ahhm WHERE was this 'national branding' in all the local and state elections in the lead up to Tuesday??

So much low-hanging political fruit applicable to ALL state and district races that you folks basically ABANDONED!!

Republicans have been running a 'national branding campaign' and applied it to local and state elections in 2010 and now 2014 . . . and democrats can't seem to do anything similar.


And all you chicken crap assholes that went to embrace Hillary instead of your president, running FROM the ONLY accomplishments you have . . . how's the packing going!???


Hillary is not viable in 2016.

Yes I said it.

And your cowardice and yes racism has made sure she won't be too.

The way you pave the way for any progressive presidential candidate is to fight like hell for the progressive accomplishments that were actually achieved.

You don't run from them!

Hillary will be trumped again like she was in 2008 for a candidate that will vigorously OWN all the democratic accomplishments of the most recent administration and run with it.

Only if such a candidate fails to show themselves will she get the 'grudging nod' because as a liberal I'll never let a conservative win if I have anything to do with it.

But she'll never have the fire and devotion from the base and even from the center AND some folks on the right that Barrack Obama had.

So keep running from him Alison Grimes and others . . . you paid on Tuesday for it and if the party doesn't wise up you'll KEEP paying.

And we'll have that bastard from NJ as POTUS in 2016.

Mark my words Democrats.

And for crying out loud:

Trying to be above the fray is no longer respected by the electorate anymore!

The GOP have been branding your party carte blanche as an inept, pacifist entity for decades . . . 


It's 'ok' the call them COLLECTIVELY everything from hood wearing racists . . . to courting the same . . . to accusing them of wanting folks to die in lieu of health care!

Alan Grayson had it right.

Stop being so damned 'respectful'!

In the age of reality TV this prim and proper, cotillion bullshit is NOT respected by the public anymore.

You look like a loser and you look weak.

Can't you see that?

Get with it damn it!

You screwed America Democrats with your malfeasance, racism and cowardice . . . thank you.

Sick of your limp-wristed antics!

Go for the damned political jugular already.

And don't go blaming POTUS like some of you have:

He HAS to sound conciliatory. He is the ceremonial head of the country and its his duty to be all cumbayah with his rhetoric.

YOU are supposed to be the political operatives and elected officials! You have no such strictures placed on you! Is Barrack Obama your rhetorical 'mule' that you need to ride to electoral or political victory??

Must he do ALL your speaking for you??

Must he 'carry all your weight'?

The more things change eh?

Funny you were more independent and took more initiative when Bubba was in . . . you didn't need to be told to verbally and fiercely smack down any sort of slight against Bill by the GOP or the fickle media.

Why have you been holding your hands behind your back with this POTUS?

I said it before you folks have a race issue within too it seems:

This black man has to 'do it all without any help' when none before ever had to try so hard.

Yes I went there because I can't see ANY other viable reason for the 'hand off' attitude you folks have had towards the man!

Damn you democrats . . . I support you . . . but your double standard with respect to this president is really trying my patience!

And I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Do your jobs damn you!

I'm getting really tired of your decades-old Political Malfeasance.

When is enough enough!??

(C) BantuProgressiveRant 11/6/14

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Political Masturbation

"What's the use!? They're all bad! Ain't nobody got time fo dat!"

The above meme (and all it's other myriad of forms) is an ingenious, insidious, bipartisanly-applied, Republican creation that paradoxically keeps folks from participating AND keeps sending THEM (GOP) into office(to fix the terrible, 'bad' government).

As it is NOW it's either 'one side or the other' can win.

To effect change or the result you want you have to work the system that is in place now.

So you need to choose.

The thing is that this 'deception' I spoke about at the outset almost guarantees that mentally you won't have the appetite to truly and fully asses and make the only choice you always and will EVER have:

Picking the Lesser of Two Evils.

Picking the 'One that Stinks Less'.

Everyone in this country has been 'infected' by this 'intellectual virus' that ALWAYS rears in our minds, as a point of view and course of action, as a 'fever' so to speak; its 'symptom':

The mentally-lethargic indictment of both major players, accompanied by a violent 'shiver' shrugging off any sort of informed nuance or perspective and sapping away any 'energy' for basic fact checking of records, trends and history of the entities vying for your vote.

Democrats seem to have no answer for that hegemonic piece of genius either . . . despite witnessing it up close and personal for decades

(At times that deficit within the Left's ranks has left me cynical and suspicious . . . but even that sentiment by lefties like myself could end up propagating what I swear I'm so against. I'll explain later.)

Back to the Democratic Establishment . . .

The DNC doesn't seem to be interested in or are unbelievably able to counteracting the growth and/or excising that 'lump' of a national, political 'cancer' that the GOP have caused to spread malignantly across all ideologies, religious faiths(even atheists!), cultures, economic classes, and ages!

It's breathtaking how interwoven this 'egalitarian condemnation' of 'all government' is in our society!

What I said in parenthesis earlier comes into play below:

Liberals prize that 'thought' on some level in that we are 'always distrustful' and simply don't 'believe' . . . so in our 'brilliance' we may make a principled vote for a third party candidate or a write-in, thinking we're standing up to the so-called 'GOP-anarchy' . . . when in fact we have just taken ourselves OUT of the overall arsenal for 'good'.


Because a vote like that doesn't really 'count'.

It's an exercise in political masturbation:

You 'help' no one but yourself 'feel good' . . . your 'spunk' gets wasted in the 'exclusive, private towels' of your own mind . . . and no one else is privy to this.

Your 'act of bravado' 'moves' no one else . . . there is no 'cooperation' . . . there is no 'alliance' that is in sync with you and your little 'rebellion'.

And republicans are just masochistic drones . . . they 'savage' and 'de-limb' themselves 24/7 going along with the GOP and spouting that garbage about government being a problem.

They can't see that the way they vote KEEPS government dysfunctional and that THE SAME ONES who they send there and keep sending . . . mucked it up in the first place!

It's a perfect, self-replicating, highly-defensively-adept mechanism for societal 'sepuki' of a caliber that we haven't seen in centuries!

The thing is that only a minuscule few stand to benefit as we gash our arteries open and bleed our future away . . .

Political Participation is a must.

You need to garner a 'political, environmentally-significant' 'win' EVERY TIME you 'play' if you are truly interested in making change.

Every 'move' you make MUST 'count' towards the 'direction' you say you want things to go. You also must learn to defend like a rabid animal ANY gains towards that end, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant they may be.

What might be small today may be a huge asset later.

The way forward is messy and not as satisfying . . . in fact it's depressing at times . . . but nothing truly necessary and good EVER happens quickly.

Fast Food is bad for you . . . but so are Fad Politics . . . and indignant, idealistic, stubborn and reactionary political choices.


Wake up and Grow Up!

The old folks used to say masturbation would make one blind . . . I'd say they're right when it comes to political habits and choices.

You have such a tight grip/focus on 'your shit' . . . you don't see what the collective sum of your actions could and will do to the larger society's social and political 'health' so to speak . . . 

If we all go 'blind' . . . then the country is truly doomed.

(C) BantuProgressiveRant 8/16/14

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Cynic Inside (Edited and Extended) ***Strong Language***

The Cynic Inside me is restless and troubled lately . . . 

The cynic in me wonders why the Democrats never do anything to preempt Republicans at any level whatsoever.

Because . . . 

. . . Republicans have been doing the same things for decades once they gain power . . . it doesn't matter how they sound during the campaign they always 'come home'.

The cynic in me wonders if that 'lethargy' is deliberate so the Democrats can whip up some electoral outrage energy, which catapults them back into office. The Democrats then, in short order, 'let' the GOP wreck shop . . . then they bawl yet again(just in time for next election season):

"Look at what they did! Unconscionable!"

Its a never ending emotional circle we're being led around in . . . without the Democrats EVER actually trying to 'insulate' against the overarching, boringly-predictable goals and machinations of the GOP . . .

. . . My cynic thinks that the destruction of the GOP would possibly mean the end of their rhetorical and existential raison d'ĂȘtre.

. . . because as the cynic in me fears we will then see just how bought you too are . . .

Yes I said 'bought'.

For instance the GOP have blocked jobs bill after jobs bill after jobs bill in the MIDDLE of a recession . . . you should have been drumming them into the ground about it 24/7 until 'anti-work' and 'treasonous' becomes synonymous with the GOP in the public's mind!

Why did you let them off the hook with this?

Do you really want the economy to improve? If you do call them the craven, racist, treasonous obstructionists that they are without any apologies and without backing down . . . call them that because that what they are!

My Cynic wonders about this glaring political, albeit patriotic, malfeasance by the Democrats on this score.

Are you trying to somehow placate Big Business, who flagrantly backed the GOP in their obstruction, so that they may 'look kindly' upon you 'when we aren't looking'?

ARE you saying:

"Hey . . . that was some election rhetoric, ok? Don't be so peeved! We were never going to 'hurt' you, ok? So . . . um . . . how about that deal we spoke about before . . .?'

Is My Cynic right about your 'secret handshake' of a 'narrative'?

I hope He's wrong . . .

The cynic in me is tired of flat footed outrage.

The cynic in me wants some fucking OFFENSE!

The cynic in me wants some seamless solidarity in political and nationally altruistic purpose . . . and benching of the damned idealism occasionally. Then exhibit disciplined collusion between all parts of the party 'when it matters' or 'when there is an opportunity' towards the greater good.

The cynic in me doesn't want the Democrats to be respectful or 'nice'.

The cynic in me feels that the GOP see our being nice and refusal to 'kill' as a weakness, a lifeline . . . and have been exploiting it for years . . . while slaughtering our 'base' and our 'sacred policy cows':

Labor, Environmental Protections, Social Services, Anti-discrimination Laws, Entitlements, etc.

The cynic in me feels the GOP dine too well on these 'carcasses' irrespective of common sense and an obvious, glaring, ever-present, widespread fever of deliberate/proud factual deficiency . . . and our side always seems to let them get away with it in some way that you can see coming a mile off at times . . .

The cynic in me doesn't want to hear that:

". . . 'playing' like 'that' makes us no better than them . . .!" 

Sorry but my cynic wants to yell in response:

"I don't give a shit. Fuck that! 'Kill' them! Enough!"

(Kill means take them out politically unrelentingly and ruthlessly for those thinking I'm advocating for physical violence)

The cynic in me will still vote for you . . . but only because you don't smell as much like a defrosting cadaver in the hot sun . . . like the other side does . . . 

My cynic will vote for you ultimately . . . but fuck the uplifting, empty rhetoric because He's not trying to hear it until He starts to see some 'bloody' hands holding ripped out elephant tusks and you start making trophies of the 'skinheads' scalps, you start using the tattered and bloody Klan hoods as flags, and you start turning the fat sows that are the GOP oligarchs into bacon . . . so to speak!

The cynic in me wants you to quarantine the corporate apologists on our side in a facsimile of the Gitmo they blocked the President from closing and rendition that knack for performing fellatio on any potential millionaire donor at the expense of the party platform, the FUCK OUT OF THEM!

And then release them but confine them to their 'homes' with an almost lethal 'anklet' wired to go off if they stray too far, for the next 10 - 12 election cycles . . . with the threat of reconditioning in Gitmo if they backslide to their whoring ways!

The cynic in me goes back to the decimation of the unions in the 1980's and wonders . . . where the FUCK were you Democrats?

The Cynic in me wonders after Reagan's first salvo against unions . . . WHERE was your federal and state cooperation to make sure the GOP can't destroy anymore of organized labor?

The cynic in me wonders with all this talk about taking back the house . . . how come you seemed not to know when these members of your caucus continuously and seemingly exponentially would 'announce their retirements'? How could you be so disconnected that you had no inside knowledge of these departures and had no plan or any candidate waiting in the wings to hold on to the seat BEFORE the public announcement!??

The cynic in me wonders . . . if you'll use these 'untimely' vacancies as an excuse to sit back, watch the GOP gain the senate, and watch as they systematically dismantle this president's legacy, as well as, the entire progressive history of this nation . . . while riding the 'horror wave' yet again to benefit yourselves individually by retaining your office again, on the pipe dream of 'this time we'll get them!' . . . just like so many times before over the decades!

The Cynic in me wonders why you're so chicken shit, it seems, to confront and fight the GOP on the so-called rhetorical home turf!

It's no mystery that these days the GOP utter nothing but lies about everything:

From the economy to religion to energy . . . nothing but lies, obfuscation and misdirection, which may 'go down easy' for those who may not know better.

Where is your rabid fight to stop the 'innocently ignorant' from falling prey to this?

When a Pat Robertson gets up on TV and says something really crazy, please enthusiastically and unrelentingly 'tar and feather' the entire GOP establishment with this 'intellectual piss' . . . I beg of you :

Do it.

If you won't can you please tell America why?

My Cynic again asks If you're 'nursing' their insanity for your political benefit?


Because you're supposed to be about stamping such insanity out, not letting it 'breathe' by this egalitarian mantra that everyone should have a voice.

No. Not everyone.

Some things should not be said and should not be allowed air to respire, as they are toxic to the very idea of this country and her best traditions.

My inner Cynic wonders what the fuck are you waiting for.

The Cynic in me wonders why you won't call the GOP out on the avaricious, evil Randian philosophy they practice.

The Cynic in me is wondering why you can't seem to realize that society and her politics no longer resemble the polite 'cotillion' of 'Old Europe'.

It's a gladiators' arena.

Like it or not why can't you see that is what it is? You may not 'like' it but please suck it up and be like Maximus here . . .

Again like Max:

Please slaughter the Other Side!??

You have everything at your disposal to do this . . . and the country NEEDS this from you.

Oblige already . . . or is My Cynic right about you . . .?

This is just some of what the cynic in me is saying and thinking

And He's pissed.

Yeah I still keep him in check . . . but the lack of conviction or the stupidly naive and impractical excess of 'conviction' on the other end of that political pendulum is riling him up.

Democrats please take note:

I don't know how much longer I can hold him . . .

Because trust me:

There's more

(C) BantuProgressiveRant 2/25/14