There has been something which has been sort of ‘stuck in my teeth’ so to speak about this political season and I need to get it out . . . I’ve tried the regular ‘toothpicks’ provided by our cable and network so-called News Media . . . and they don’t quite get the offending strands of ‘meat’ out. They dance around the truth, being nice for the personal gain of their various corporations – the Entertainment Model ‘Rules!’ As a result folks like me just sit there . . . slowly getting annoyed as fuck with what is going on!
So I’m going to make my own 'utensil' to get this out, to make clear the obvious fact(s) about both men vying for and to keep the job of POTUS:
Obama and Romney are both rich . . .
Let’s just get this out in the open; they are both members of the 1% now. I don’t begrudge them their success, however they arrived there. I’m not ‘hating-on’ the ‘Winners.’ So please kill that nonsense.
There are, however, very real differences between both men that inform what they’ve done with their lives to this point and map out how they would govern or are governing . . . and the differences are clear as day and extremely obvious.
One (Obama) of these men is open and honest about the advantages he enjoys and is truly empathetic towards the 99 %(He was a member up to only a few years ago when he paid off HIS college loans, was fed by food stamps in his youth, etc) . . .
The Other was born with the MOTHER of all silver spoons in his mouth(He subsisted on dividends from and the sale of stock while in college, which obviously came from Daddy George, an Auto and Manufacturing Tycoon!), acts like the advantages aren't there, taking folks for fools as if they can't SEE IT for themselves . . . while being 'proudly apathetic' with respect to the 99%'s POV, and makes a platitudinous farce/mockery of 'farting' empathetic-sounding phrases and talking points out of his Ass . . . I mean Mouth.
The above situation has not been addressed properly . . . even by reporters who DO get face time with him. The following is what I’d LOVE to be able to say to Romney, were I ever to get a chance to:
“You aren't even trying to be sincere or sound like it . . . or worse: You don't know where to start!
It's BLATANTLY obvious that you want the Presidency really bad . . . but it's from a shallow, far-less-than, patriotic, altruistic place . . .
You want it for the typical 'Rich-Bored-With-My-Insanely-Excessively-Fortunate-Life-So-What-More-Do I-Do-For-A-Social-One-Up-On-My-Other-Wealthy-Peers' sort of endemic, class 'peculiarity':
"I Know! I'll run for President! After All: I deserve This Prize. Because . . . well . . . That is what Us Rich Folks Do When we have so much time on our hands and life is good!"
That seems to be what you're all about Willard.
If you really cared and were filled with this burning desire to help ALL Americans . . . and not sowing your 'self-perceived' 'Royal Oats' in that esteemed Office . . .
. . . Then you wouldn't LIE as INCESSANTLY and without even the attempt at 'credible' ambiguity of your predecessors that you do! (I've fact checked you within less than a minute from an I-phone after too many of your 'claims' about the President! - Joe Wilson can 'sing' to you!) . . .
. . . Your positions on so many crucial issues change as rapidly as the direction gusts of an eddy, as the wind wraps around a house or structure, while the pancakes inside the kitchen flip to cheer you on, back and forth from brown side to crusty black side and back . . . and a fat, overfed child shakes an Etch-A-Sketch while throwing a tantrum in the living room of the same dwelling. . .
. . . And your brazen national assault on the common sense and sometimes the sheer, stark literacy of the public (Who were you really talking to when you went in front of the NAACP?? You must think folks are stupid huh?) would have been a non-starter for your campaign team, under pain of your anger and subsequent unemployment!
You wouldn't do these things . . .!
You would instead proudly discuss YOUR VISION without disguise or guile . . . you wouldn't have been afraid to put the FACTS behind your Vision out there for ALL to examine!
"I don't want to give the Obama Opposition Research Team more ammo to attack me . . ."
What the fuck IS that shit!?
And again the Press lets you get away with it . . . but that's another 'rant' for another time.
But seriously, what are you man? A Kindergarten Kid who doesn't want to be 'teased'??
Do you know what this Job you're vying for entails? Have you NOT seen the incessant screed of vituperative, obscenities lobbed at the man you wish to replace, from since BEFORE he became POTUS, from your party . . . or were you 'sleeping'!??
Oh I think I get it: You Mittens are so 'special' that no one should 'dare' 'go after you like that' . . . because . . . You're some, extremely wealthy, privileged, White Guy, who looks the part . . . and everybody wants to be like you, they envy you.
"Obama attacks me due to pure envy. Listen: I made a lot of money and I'm not going to apologize for it"
Got it.
Like I said before Romney . . . we don't give a flying fuck about your wealth - you made it? Good for you! - but you best recognize and stop pretending to be one of us . . . because you never were and will NEVER be.
Your wealth doesn't make you ineligible(JFK and your old nemesis Ted Kennedy were quite successful running for office, as is Michael Bloomberg, etc, etc). . . !
It's about your Human Quotient . . . and you severely lack it Sir!
And I'd really appreciate it if you would STOP pissing on my sensibilities, and then in a millisecond demand I 'lick my face' because it's only really Ginger Ale.
For the religious crazies you are busy pandering to, here is Prayer I offer to you and your cronies and imps:
‘May Obama kick your entitlement-drunk ass all over this country this Fall and drive You and your Party, along with your, frankly, rancid, treasonous, ideology off the Cliffs of Obscurity and Irrelevance, . . . and may you all stay there for eternity and for the good of this country's future!’
Seriously Sir . . . you need to LOSE and lose BADLY for the sake of this country . . .
Within you walks the ultimate in a moral apocalypse: Folks like you and the people in your political party should NEVER ever succeed, when you do things for the selfish reasons you are and when you behave like you have!”
Yes. I know this coward of a man will never come to my state as part of campaign stop . . . but there are those of us who feel like I do . . . there are those of us that are growing increasingly furious, chewing on the disingenuous, opportunistic monstrosity of Mitt’s candidacy. . .
. . . and it is just stuck in my craw!