
Friday, November 21, 2014


So here's the postmortem feedback I'm getting from my real-world, and not just FB, interactions with voting blacks:

"DNC you done f@&$ up!"


The main reason for the GOP opposition to the President has been racism pure and simple.

Nothing else stands up to scrutiny.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Political Malfeasance

I've got to vent . . . 

You in the DNC kinda deserved what you got Tuesday.

No seriously:

You folks really piss me off!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Political Masturbation

"What's the use!?  They're all bad!  Ain't nobody got time fo dat!"

The above meme (and all it's other myriad of forms) is an ingenious, insidious, bipartisanly-applied, Republican creation that paradoxically keeps folks from participating AND keeps sending THEM (GOP) into office(to fix the terrible, 'bad' government).

As it is NOW it's either 'one side or the other' can win.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Cynic Inside (Edited and Extended) ***Strong Language***

The Cynic Inside me is restless and troubled lately . . . 

The cynic in me wonders why the Democrats never do anything to preempt Republicans at any level whatsoever.

Because . . . 

. . . Republicans have been doing the same things for decades once they gain power . . . it doesn't matter how they sound during the campaign they always 'come home'.